Welcome, reader. This is a periodically updated collection of poems that I’ve written. I have no clue if they are any good. I’ve decided to throw them out into the world anyway.

They should be ordered by newest to oldest, but no promises.

Hope you get some enjoyment out of them.

To the Other

Well, Aren’t you beautiful?

Thrust into something
You were never meant to be

Aren’t you astonishing?
With your claws and horns and teeth

Isn’t it incredible?
How you defy how things be

What are the odds?

My Lover

Oh, my dear

We are so close, and so far

Reaching out for each other,
Our fingers brush,

Next time,
I’ll reach inwards.

Facing the world

I yearn for you
my form
without you…
no one can pierce me through
my mind hidden
behind a false wall
tied up in glands and veins

on programming

to me,
programming has always felt like a conversation

sure, the language is much different than ours

but like in any conversation

there can be huge misunderstandings
or small little mistakes

and the computer doesn’t judge you for it

and it’s so wonderful when it finally
understands what you wanted to say

This website is a work licensed under: Creative Commons License | credits A fluffy yellow wyvern laying on their back with a laptop